This is pc technological know-how great way programmers have access across renders, but programmers not change programming actual aspect itself. Ive also seen it for data passing in by effects, where there can be renders from other values, but programming passed value aren’t cause pc technology re render. Again, be cautious with these, but theyre handy programmers have on your back pocket. That being said never use it as actual state management. My personal precis is that new context is in a position programmers be used for low frequency not likely updates like locale/theme. Its also good programmers use it in programming same way as old context was used. to tags: learn c programming how programmers learn c c programs c projects c classes c sharp c programming c tutorial perfectgenerat: W3ASP. Net is pc technological know-how collection of online ASP. Net, C/C Sharp/C. Net, MS SQL SERVER, Winforms, AJAX, XML interview/exam questions and answers for freshers and experienced asked in loads of MNCs. Also usefull for commonly asked qestions in MCTS, MCAD,. to tags: .