Our goals for v0. 33 free up cycle was programmers add in some integral new capability into programming new user adventure as well as laptop technological know-how plug in supervisor for PowerToys Run. In addition, we feel we are near ready programmers add in Video Conference mute into programming stable release pending comments from programming pending 0. 34 experimental liberate. The 0. 34 experimental unencumber will happen week of March 8th toward programming end of programming week pending testing. The reason is that in this case, programming events handled programming unit of property as an Immovable Property and not as any thing else. If programming buyer and programming seller concept and acted as if thy were buying and promoting computing device technological know-how piece of land, it might be in appropriate programmers adjudicate on programming dispute ignoring this basic idea behind programming transaction and when you consider that it as anything else. Legal issues pertaining to programmers programming electronic and cyber web during this modern world as being necessitated of new quite jurisprudence, that may be cyber jurisprudence. Cyber jurisprudence gives an evaluation of programming law where, is no land and even there is not any border, where all things may be different from programming actual world, they’re digital from origin and nature. We may find virtual world with digital rules and policies, along with programming virtual area matter, virtual agreement, digital disputes, virtual property adding tangible or intangible, virtual possession and digital court. Cyber jurisprudence deals with programming composite idea of cyber jurisdiction and cyber courts venue in programming cyberspace.